Liposuction (liposcultpture) of the hips can assist drastically with removing inches off the hips. The hips are an area on the body which produces resultimmense visible improvement and results in smaller clothing sizes as well as an overall slimmed out figure.
Hips liposuction is more common amongst women as women naturally have more fat stored in the hip area. This is due to hormones driving fat to be stored in the waist and hip areas. This excess fat tends to stay with us, or in some cases, increase as we age, making it a rather tiresome and difficult journey in getting rid of the fat in the hip and pelvic region.
The procedure can help with achieving the hourglass figure many women desire or create an overall slimmer appearance. No matter the reasoning behind wanting to remove excess fat around the hips, you will be happy with the final result as hip liposuction is one of the best areas to show dramatic results.
Feeling better and back to work: a few days – a week.
Strenuous activity: 2-4 weeks post-surgery.
Fading of scars: Several months to a year.
Creates more of an overall slimmer appearance.